Friday, July 8, 2011

My Heroes

Thinking recently about who, if asked, I might identify as someone whom I admire most in the world.  There are few: James Galbraith, JM Keynes, my mom and maybe Mark Cuban for sheer determination.  But none that I admire more than Noam Chomsky.  Whenever I hear him speak an awed sense of inspiration comes over me.  Given his generally monotone speaking style and critical outlook is surprising.  No idealistic words of inspiration ever crossed his lips.  Clear eyed view on reality that is the Chomsky realm. Checking in on him periodically for clarity and perspective,  following this lecture a sense of loss came over me, partly resulting from the late hour, but picturing his frail aged face I couldn't help thinking some day his vast intellect, incredibly researched mind would be gone. 

The good news is that he's not and despite his age continues to be an incredibly prolific speaker and writer.   Thanks.

1 comment:

James Galbraith said...

That's a very kind remark, noted and appreciated. JG