Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Chance for Peace

Trying to make some peace with this long, distasteful and in time ultimately sad, distracting disaster this summer of debt crises has bestowed upon us.  Fortunately my subconscious has led me to a few fallback leaders for inspiration and clarity.

This feeling is a new phenomena for me. Historically, I suppose the Bible has served the masses well in these times of foggy uncertainty.  For many of the closest people in my life the community of believers that gather to love and share, inspire and appreciate follows directly from their faith.  It works. As a parent one of the greatest blessings you can provide is the knowledge of the safe places and religion is sincere and righteous when that is the objective.  However, these days it doesn't speak to me, provide the clarity and hope, the necessary immediate or directly tangible goal and objective results oriented perspective I seek and desire most on this plain of existence.   

So decided to post a series of speeches, readings whatever I find that oddly do. This speech by President Dwight Eisenhower has to go down as one of my favourites.  In our days of rigid, greedy self interest and ideology Eisehower was incredibly above it all.  His resume allowed him a great amount of respect at the time and perhaps allowed him to be especially honest and forthcoming about the established path and important questions for society.  So it is that this General and Supreme Commander of the Allied forces could say "I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity" and give this speech.

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